Research Article | Open Access

Interactions Between Agricultural Export and Growth in Southern African Countries: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration

    Laudia Titilola Ogunniyi

    Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, University of Eswatini, Kwaluseni, Eswatini

    Gbenga Emmanuel Fanifosi

    Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Ajayi Crowther University, Oke-Ebo 211271, Oyo, Nigeria

    Sotja Graham Dlamini

    Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, University of Eswatini, Kwaluseni, Eswatini

    Sikelela Simo Sibandze

    Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, University of Eswatini, Kwaluseni, Eswatini

30 Apr, 2023
29 Aug, 2023
09 Sep, 2023

Background and Objective: The low drive of agricultural export in most African countries has a serious implication for agricultural growth in these countries. This study investigated the relationship and drivers of agricultural growth. Materials and Methods: The study adopted the proposition of the Breusch and Pagan LM test to perform the cross-sectional dependency test and the Pedroni residual co-integration test was used to establish co-integration. The study analyzed the second-generation unit root. All the variables except agricultural labor were stationary after the first difference. Results: The result obtained from Kao residual co-integration test was statistically significant at a 1% level of confidence therefore, the study failed to accept the null hypothesis and concluded that there is a long-run relationship among the variables. Also, growth and import showed a uni-directional relationship, likewise agricultural land and agricultural import. A long-run Granger causality was affirmed by agricultural growth and agricultural import. Conclusion: It is evident that agricultural import-controlled policies will have less effect on the agricultural growth in Southern African countries. Also, negative shocks to agricultural labor will negatively affect agricultural capital and agricultural growth.


The contribution of Agriculture to the economic development of many nations could not be overlooked, Southern African countries are included. Most of the inhabitants of the region, directly and indirectly, depend on agriculture as the main source of their livelihood due to its potential for poverty reduction. Agricultural growth and trade have in the past received attention from policymakers, especially in developing economies1. In recent times, the agricultural sector witnessed a structural transformation in countries that are in their early stages of development. The sector is known for its contribution to employment of the total labor force, gross domestic product (GDP), foreign exchange earnings and also in salvaging economic instability. For instance, between 1999 and 2004, annual exports from Africa to China and India grew to 48 and 14%, respectively2.

The rural economy basically spins on agriculture, that is, the livelihood activities of the rural sector rely on agriculture. It is a major source of household income and employment in the sector. The agricultural growth rate in the Southern African Region has been recorded low as a result of several constraints facing the sector, in spite of its enormous contribution to the development of the region3. Several border measures affected agricultural trade within the walls of Africa and across the globe. Example of such is the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Pacific Islands Countries Trade Agreement on the import flows4. The consequence of these measures deprives nations of the ripening benefit of global trade. To increase trade flow among nations, some studies5,6 have reported exchange rate, economic growth, population, transport system and export or trade between the countries to facilitate agricultural growth.

Several research works6-9 have been done on agricultural trade or export and growth. Boansi et al.9 estimate the cointegration between agricultural exports and economic growth in Ghana. The research dwells on macroeconomic time-series data to establish the co-integration between the two subjects. In the same vein9, while establishing the causality between agriculture and economic growth in Thailand reported that economic development encourages the growth of agriculture for there exists a long-term relationship between agriculture and economic growth. Both the study of Allaro6 and Ohlan7 examine the causal relationship between agricultural export and agricultural GDP and the result showed a unidirectional causal relationship between the variables. The study conducted by Osama and Walid10 showed that a long-run positive relationship between agricultural exports and the share of agriculture in the GDP in Egypt was established.

Agricultural exports are known to be the main engine of rural economic growth in developing nations11. It is significant in terms of the creation of sustainable jobs, foreign exchange earnings, an adaptation of new and innovative technologies, production practices and aid promotion of both local and global food and nutritional security11,12. Though, agricultural export value is not commensurate with import value in Africa, like other cross-international trade it has witnessed an increase in recent years13. The causal interactions between some of these macroeconomic variables need to be established. This will inform stakeholders of appropriate measures when the decision to drive growth is debated. On this, the study seeks to establish the long-run relationship between agricultural export and growth and uses panel data to examine causal interactions between the entities.


Study area: Southern African countries lie in the southern part of Africa. The region is home to some prominent rivers in Africa such as Victoria Falls and Zambezi River. The climate in the region basically includes both subtropical and temperate climates14. Countries within the region include Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. South African region is distinct with a developed mining sector and this forms the basis of most exports from the region.

Research protocol: The research work was initiated in the last quarter of the year 2021 specifically in November and it spanned through to May, 2022 when the final draft was proofread by the authors. The study aimed to examine the relationship between agricultural growth and agricultural export in Southern African countries. Five Southern African countries were sampled including South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland, for the period of 1991 to 2018 based on data availability. To avoid spurious regression results and inappropriate policy implication(s), the study tested for cross-sectional dependency as proposed by Pesaran15. Also, the long-run equilibrium relationship was established through the methodology (panel co-integration relationship test) of Pedroni. And lastly, the Panel Granger causality test was used to establish the direction of causality among our variables of interest.

Variables measurement and data: The study used six different variables to establish the relationship. In the study, agricultural value added (constant 2015 US$) was used as a proxy for growth. ‘Total labour or force and employment in agriculture (percentage of total employment) was multiplied with employment to population ratio (15+ (%))’ to derive Agricultural Labour (AGLAB). Agricultural land (AGLAND) in hectares, agricultural export (AGEXPORT) and import (AGIMPORT) (index (2014-2016 =100)) and agricultural capital (GFCF-gross fixed capital formation constant 2015 US$). All the data were sourced from the Food and Agriculture Organization data portal except agricultural labour16.

Estimations methods: In estimating the panel time series dataset, the conventional unit root test for stationarity of data may not be appropriate if there exists a cross-sectional dependency, this will keep the power of the general unit root low17,18. Since, this is however paramount, the study failed not to test for the cross-sectional dependence before establishing the panel unit root test19. The choice of Pesaran methodology as cited by de Hoyos and Sarafidis19 and Salisu et al.20 to examine cross-sectional dependence in this study was pivoted on (I) Its uses for both balance and unbalanced panel data and (ii) It has a better edge on other test methodology if T15.

Following yit is the i-th cross-section and t-th time observation obtained from a simple dynamic linear heterogeneous panel data model presented as follows15:

yit = (1-ψiiiyi, t-1+uit, i = 1, N, t = 1,...,T

The additional assumptions are: The initial value of y (yi0) is derived from the density function with finite mean and variance; moreover, the error term (μit) has a unit factor structure15:

uit = γiftit

where, ft is the unobserved common effect and εit is an individual-specific error. Equations 1 and 2 can be represented as follows:

Δyit = αiiyi, t-1+γiftit

where, αi = (1-ψii, βi= -(1-ψi) and Δyit = yit-yi, t-1. If, there is a unit root, then ψi = 0 and the null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:

H0: βi = 0 for ∀i

H1: βi<0, i = 1, 2,..., N1, βi = 0, i = N1+1, N1+2, N

For panel cointegration analysis, Kao and Pedron cointegration tests are employed. Pedron cointegration can be represented as:

yit = αititt+Xiβiit

where, yit and Xit are the apparent variables with dimensions whereas the Kao test for panel cointegration can be represented as:

yit = αi+βxitit

where, αi is the fixed effect changing across the cross-sectional observations, β is the slope parameter and yit and xit are independent random walks for all i. The residual series εit should be I(1) series. This study adopts the proposition of Breusch and Pagan LM test to perform the cross-sectional dependency test which is very important to perform this test before furthering into panel analysis, the estimation was done and presented on a 5% level of confidence.


The correlations among the growth rate of the variables used. Agricultural growth positively correlated with all other variables. The coefficient of agricultural labour (0.820), agriculture land area (0.923) and agricultural capital (0.965) showed a strong relationship with agricultural growth. The result of agricultural labour (p = 0.023) and land (p = 0.018) was significant at 5%, this result indicated that agricultural trade is crucial to agricultural growth in Southern African countries. It seems that agricultural growth was based on labour and land technology advancement as shown in Table 1.

From Table 2, most of the variables: Agricultural growth (65.777, p = 0.000), agricultural export (15.469, p = 0.000), import (32.957, p = 0.000) and labour (-2.701, p = 0.000) were significant at a 1% confidence level, that is, the variable showed a strong cross-sectional dependency. Therefore, the result implied the non-acceptance of the null hypothesis of no cross-sectional dependency (correlation) at a 1% level.

Subject to the knowledge of the presence of unit root or not, Table 3 presented the first generation unit root test as proposed by Levin et al.21 and Im et al.22. Like the renowned Dicky-Fuller (DF) unit root test, Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS) test entail testing for the existence of unit roots in panel data. It is superior to DF in that it combines the information from the time series dimension with that from the cross-section dimension and it could cater for fewer time observations for the test to have power19. The result revealed that some of the variables were stationary at a level while others were stationary at first differencing. At level, LLC showed agricultural growth (1.628), agricultural labour (-2.251) and agricultural land (-2.879) to be stationary, only agricultural land (-4.999) was found stationary on IPS while agricultural growth (5.204), agricultural export (2.202) and agricultural import (6.257) and GFCF (6.572) were stationary on Hadri. At first differencing, it was observed that all the variables became stationary, especially on LLC and IPS models.

Table 1: Correlation estimate of the variables
Source: Authors’ computation, AGRGROWTH: Agricultural growth, AGEXPORT: Agricultural export, AGIMPORT: Agricultural import, AGLAB: Agricultural labour, AGLAND: Agricultural land area and GFCF: Agricultural capital

Table 2: Cross-sectional dependency test
Source: Authors’ computation, ***Denote significant at 1% level, AGRGROWTH: Agricultural growth, AGEXPORT: Agricultural export, AGIMPORT: Agricultural import, AGLAB: Agricultural labour, AGLAND: Agricultural land area and GFCF: Agricultural capital

Table 3: First generation unit root (individual intercept)
First differencing
1.628 (0.000)**
-1.041 (0.149)
5.204 (0.000)***
-11.959 (0.000)***
-13.628 (0.000)***
-0.072 (0.529)
0.226 (0.589)
0.229 (0.591)
2.202 (0.014)***
-11.923 (0.000)***
-10.805 (0.000)***
1.518 (0.065)*
-0.646 (0.259)
0.697 (0.757)
6.257 (0.000)***
-10.491 (0.000)***
-10.204 (0.000)***
-1.047 (0.852)
-2.251 (0.012)***
-1.072 (0.142)
6.468 (0.000)
-3.696 (0.000)***
-4.420 (0.000)***
-0.454 (0.675)
-2.879 (0.002)***
-4.999 (0.000)***
-0.377 (0.647)
-8.367 (0.000)***
-9.128 (0.000)***
0.339 (0.367)
-0.870 (0.192)
1.036 (0.849)
6.572 (0.000)***
-6.446 (0.000)***
-6.596 (0.000)***
0.000 (0.111)
Source: Authors’ computation, AGRGROWTH: Agricultural growth, AGEXPORT: Agricultural export, AGIMPORT: Agricultural import, AGLAB: Agricultural labour, AGLAND: Agricultural land area, GFCF: Agricultural capital, LLC: Levin, Lin and Chu. IPS: Im, Pesaran and Shin and ***,**,*Significance levels at 1, 5 and 10%, respectively

Table 4: Second generation unit root test
First differencing
Source: Authors’ computation, AGRGROWTH: Agricultural growth, AGEXPORT: Agricultural export, AGIMPORT: Agricultural import, AGLAB: Agricultural labour, AGLAND: Agricultural land area, GFCF: Agricultural capital and ***,**,Significance levels at 1 and 5%, respectively

Furthermore, Table 4 presents the second-generation unit root test. The Breitung t-stat test was performed after the first-generation unit root test failed to mitigate the requirement of cross-sectional dependence. The result revealed only three of the six variables to be stationary at the level of agricultural export, agricultural land and agricultural capital were not stationary at that level. However, all the variables agricultural growth (-3.356, p = 0.0004), agricultural export (-9.320, p = 0.0000), agricultural import (-4.940, p = 0.0000), agricultural land (-2.524, p = 0.0058) and agricultural capital (-2.380, p = 0.0087) except agricultural labour were stationary after the first difference.

Panel cointegration result is presented in Table 5. Pedroni applied two different tests for cointegration, these tests are within-dimension and between-dimension. The result showed four different statistics within-dimension in which the panel pp-statistics and panel Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) statistics coefficient were statistically significant at a 1% level of confidence. A similar result was obtained with the weighted within-dimension and between-dimension.

The study equally observed the same trend of results when the technique was performed with intercept and trend. Only the statistics of panel pp-statistics and panel ADF-statistics were statistically significant at a 1% level of confidence for within-dimension (-2.871 and -2.791, respectively), weighted within- dimension (-4.404 and -4.014, respectively) and between-dimension (-9.622 and -5.786, respectively). Most of the results failed to accept the null hypothesis, however, there is an affirmation of the existence of co-integration among the variables. Furthermore, the result obtained from Kao residual co-integration test (ADF = -3.113) was statistically significant at a 1% level of confidence, this result also affirms the first result obtained from Pedroni residual co-integration test and therefore, this study did not agree with the acceptability of the null hypothesis but conclude that there is a long-run relationship among the variables. The result was in line with Seok and Moon23, who revealed the existence of a long-run relationship between agricultural growth and export in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In Egypt, Mlambo et al.24 showed both the long and short-run relationships between agricultural export and growth and the long-run relationship is positive and significant. In the short run result was negative which implied that the contribution of export was marginal, however, it showed positive and significant implications in the long run24.

Table 5: Panel cointegration estimate of agricultural growth and export in Southern African countries
Pedroni residual cointegration test
With intercept
With intercept and trend
Panel v-statistics
Panel rho-statistics
Panel pp-statistics
Panel ADF-statistics
Panel v-statistics
Panel rho-statistics
Panel pp-statistics
Panel ADF-statistics
Group rho-statistics
Group pp-statistics
Group ADF-statistics
Kao Residual cointegration test
Source: Authors’ computation, ADF: Augmented Dickey Fuller and ***Significance levels at 1%, respectively

Table 6: Panel granger causality test
0.266 (0.767)
3.718 (0.027)**
0.438 (0.647)
2.155 (0.120)
1.281 (0.282)
1.046 (0.355)
2.210 (0.114)
0.094 (0.910)
0.137 (0.872)
0.201 (0.817)
0.653 (0.522)
1.799 (0.169)
1.356 (0.262)
0.981 (0.378)
4.692 (0.011)**
0.140 (0.869)
0.077 (0.926)
0.257 (0.774)
0.124 (0.884)
2.697 (0.072)*
0.412 (0.663)
0.751 (0.474)
4.147 (0.018)**
0.045 (0.956)
0.044 (0.929)
0.226 (0.798)
0.749 (0.475)
0.227 (0.787)
0.645 (0.527)
0.453 (0.637)
Source: Authors’ computation, AGRGROWTH: Agricultural growth, AGEXPORT: Agricultural export, AGIMPORT: Agricultural import, AGLAB: Agricultural labour, AGLAND: Agricultural land area, GFCF: Agricultural capital and **,*Significance levels at 5 and 10%, respectively

Export is crucial to growth in developing countries as hypothesised by Kang25. The result presented in Table 6 showed the result from the Grangers panel causality. From the results, a directional relationship in the panel context was observed. None of the variables showed a bi-directional relationship, but growth and import (3.718, p = 0.027) showed a uni-directional relationship, likewise agricultural land and agricultural import. A long-run Granger causality was affirmed by agricultural growth and agricultural import (4.147, p = 0.018). The result was consistent with several studies by researchers26-29, Awokuse and Xie27 affirmed the existence of growth witnessed through improvement in agricultural-led export. Therefore, agriculture import-controlled policies will have less effect on the agricultural growth in these countries.

Similarly, agricultural import and agricultural capital (4.692, p = 0.011) had a uni-directional relationship with agricultural capital. The result showed long-run Granger causality between agricultural labour and agricultural capital (2.697, p = 0.072), they have a uni-directional relationship which implied that any negative shock on agricultural labour will negatively affect agricultural capital in Table 6.

The data availability of many macroeconomic variables was a constraint in this study. In dealing with spurious regression results and inappropriate policy implication(s), the study tested for cross-sectional dependency. Also, the long-run equilibrium relationship was established through the methodology (panel co-integration relationship test) of Pedroni. And lastly, the Panel Granger causality test was used to establish the direction of causality among the variables of interest. From the study, it was observed agricultural import-controlled policies will have less effect on the agricultural growth in these countries. Therefore, policymakers ought to pay more attention to import reduction to enhance regional growth. More importantly, agricultural export needs to be promoted through policies.


Intra-Africa trade has been recorded as low for a number of years. The fact that it greatly influences agricultural growth within the continent could not be overemphasized. In this study, after the cross-sectional dependency test was performed, the long-run equilibrium relationship was established. The long-run Granger causality between agricultural labour and agricultural capital implied that any negative shock on agricultural labour would negatively affect agricultural capital and also agricultural growth was observed to be controlled by agricultural import in South African countries.


Regional trade is vital to the growth and development of nations within the region. How agricultural export/trade influences agriculture in Southern African countries was the focal point of this study. The finding indicated a long-run relationship between agricultural export and growth, invariably it implies a further increase in income aided through foreign exchange, employment and productivity in the agricultural sector of these nations.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Ogunniyi, L.T., Fanifosi, G.E., Dlamini, S.G., Sibandze, S.S. (2023). Interactions Between Agricultural Export and Growth in Southern African Countries: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration. Asian Journal of Emerging Research, 5(1), 42-49.

ACS Style
Ogunniyi, L.T.; Fanifosi, G.E.; Dlamini, S.G.; Sibandze, S.S. Interactions Between Agricultural Export and Growth in Southern African Countries: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration. Asian J. Emerg. Res 2023, 5, 42-49.

AMA Style
Ogunniyi LT, Fanifosi GE, Dlamini SG, Sibandze SS. Interactions Between Agricultural Export and Growth in Southern African Countries: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration. Asian Journal of Emerging Research. 2023; 5(1): 42-49.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Ogunniyi, Laudia, Titilola, Gbenga Emmanuel Fanifosi, Sotja Graham Dlamini, and Sikelela Simo Sibandze. 2023. "Interactions Between Agricultural Export and Growth in Southern African Countries: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration" Asian Journal of Emerging Research 5, no. 1: 42-49.