Research Article | Open Access

Expidition of Nutraceutical Potential of Crucumin and Piperine to Formulate Functional Food Product

    Memoona Rashid

    School of Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan

    Nizwa Itrat

    School of Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan


    School of Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan

21 May, 2019
19 Jul, 2019
15 Aug, 2019

ABSTRACTBackground: Turmeric and black pepper provide effective treatment for various heart diseases such as hyperlipdimia and hypertension. Alkaloid piperine present in black pepper increases the efficiency and bioavailability of curcumin present in turmeric upto 2000%. Objective: The purpose of this study was to produce a novel, beneficial and consumer acceptable product Turmeric and black pepper cookies as a functional food to utilize its nutritional potential and increase the bioavailabilty of essential nutrient in the body. Methodology: The preparation of cookies will involve four different treatments To as control T1 (4 gram turmeric + 40mg black pepper powder), T2 ( 6gram turmeric + 60 mg black pepper powder) and T3 ( 8 gram turmeric + 80 mg black pepper powder) addition of oatmeal porriadge powder and honey to make the product acceptable for population. And then cookies were checked for sensory evaluation. Proximate analysis of turmeric and black pepper powder were examined to evaluate the nutritional values and the obtained data was also analyzed statistically to check the level of significance among different attributes. Results: The results of the Sensory evaluation revealed that T3 attained highest rating and were selected as most acceptable treatment. Most palatable quantity of turmeric and black pepper unveiled was 8 grams and 80 mg respectively, when incorporated in single serving of cereals to give immense amount of functional food to improve hypertension and lipid profile of an individual and the results among all sensory attributes is highly significant. Conclusion: Hence the study concludes that Black pepper and turmeric cookies improves hypertension and lipid profile of an individual. However it is not preferred for consumption in fresh form because of its bitter and punget taste, Therefore its use can be enhanced in form of turmeric and black pepper cookies.

Copyright © 2019 Rashid et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Globally, Hyperlipidemia is most prevalent disease and a major contributor to cardiovascular complication. CVD's is a major cause of death in the world and a major impediment for continual human development1.Death rate around the globe from cardiovascular diseases has increased from 14.4 million in 1990 to 18.9 million in 2017 and is continuously increasing in all high income and some middle-income countries2.

Cardiovascular diseases are still the major reason behind the mortality rate of females and from a recent statistics disclosed by US statistics, 398,083 female deaths were reported in 2013 due to CVD. Cardiovascular diseases related information has been slowly progressing as in 1997 only 30% of women of America were know about CVD and it was the major reason behind the higher death rates of women this percentage has been increased to 54% in 20093.

Many herbs are used as a replacement to treat many medical issues like hypertension, CVD's, and hyperlipidemia. In many countries, turmeric is used form centuries and plays a significant role in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines. Previously, it was used as dye, and later on, it was considered as human medicine when the researches show its medical properties4.

Curcumin is apolyphenol present in turmeric, with marked set of huge health benefits. The significant properties of curcumin includes improved regulation of oxidation, inflammation, blood fat level, blood sugar level, cell signaling and brain levels of omega-3 fatty acids called DHA.

A part from other properties of curcumin, it also restrict the proliferative activity of smooth muscle growth in vitro and initiate apoptosis, in this, way it plays a role in preventing pathological changes in the vessels of blood5.

Many findings shows that curcumin have anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidant properties6.

The family of Piperceae has a flowering vine names as Piper nigrum, which is harvested as fruit and is than dried which can be than used as seasoning and spice. Piperine is responsible for the sharpness of Piper nigrum and Piper longum that are the sources of long black pepper7.

Dietary piperine can initiate the digestive enzymes present in pancreas. It also enhances the capability of digestion along with reducing the gastrointestinal time of food transmission. It has been shown in many vitro studies that piperine is a spice, which protects from oxidative damage by restricting the activity of oxygen species and free radicals. Black pepper is also used is in curative measures in decreasing lipid per-oxidation in vivo and effect cellular thiol in good manner8.

In addition to previously mentioned studies, other studies that was carried out on animals and human beings depicts that curcumin have the capability of lowering the total cholesterol level in the blood9. Until now, it is not declared that curcumin act as a therapeutic agent against hyperlipidemia, which is due to its bioavailability10. but the presence of piperine in black pepper can enhance the bioavailability of turmeric upto 2000% within 45 minutes after consuming mixture of curcumin and piperine orally11.

If piperine is consumed with curcumin, it can than has the capacity to affect the metabolism of various substances. Black pepper increases the bioavailability of curcumin by the inhibition of intestinal and liver glucuronidiation. As an example, piperine increases the efficiency of curcumin by increasing the effect of curcumin contrary to unpredicted chronic stress-induces mental and depressive disorders12.The anti-hypertensive effect of piperine on blood pressure has been shown after administrating it intravenously or in high doses if taken orally (50mg/kg)13.


  • To determine the nutritional profile of turmeric and black pepper
  • To develop turmeric and black pepper cookies
  • To get sensory evaluation of cookies


The current research was carried out in The University of Faisalabad. The research study was conducted to determine the nutritional profile of turmeric and black pepper to formulate an innovative food product.Turmeric and Black pepper were brought from the local market of the Faisalabad.Turmeric and Black pepper were methodologically examined for proximate and mineral analysis, Fruther more the turmeric and black pepper were processed separately to formulate functional food product; cookies. In this unit, the methodology followed is discussed in detail.

Proximate Analysis: Turmeric and black pepper were analytically processed to determine their moisture, ash, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract according to the protocols cited in AOAC (2006) respectively. The brief explanation for each analytical procedure is discussed.

Moisture Content: The technique is used according to the protocols of AOAC ( 2006). The samples were weighed and in the Air Forced Draft Oven at a set temprature 105 ± 5oC till the weight is constant.

$$ \text { Moisture } \%=\frac{\text { wt of fres h sample } \text { g-wt of dried sampleg }}{\text { wt of fres h sample } g} \times 100 $$

Crude Protein The crude protein percentage value was calculated by application of Kjeldahl's method following the guidlines of AOAC (2006).

$$ \mathrm{N}(\%)=\frac{\text { Vol.of } 0.1 \text { normal } \mathrm{H} 2 \mathrm{SO} 4 \times \text { Vol.of dillution }(250 \mathrm{ml}) \times 0.0014}{\text { Volume of Distillate taken } X \text { wt of sample }(g)} \times 100 $$

Crude Fat Crude fat was determined by taking 3 g of each sample in the Soxhlet's Apparatus by using ethanol as a solvent

$$ \text { Crude fat } \%=\frac{w t \text { of sample }(g)-w t \text { of fat free sample }(g)}{w t \text { of sample }(g)} \times 100 $$

Crude fiber The crude fiber was considered as the loss in weight during the process of ignition as mentioned in the guidelines in AOAC (1990).

$$ \text { Crude fiber } \%=\frac{w t \text { .of dry residue }-w t . \text { of ash }}{w t \text { .of sample }} \times 100 $$

Ash Content: The total ash content was assessed by the method of direct incineration following the respective protocols of AOAC (2006).

$$ \text { Ash content } \%=\frac{\text { wt.of ash }(g)}{\text { wt.of sample }(g)} \times 100 $$

Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE): The NFE of the turmeric and black pepper sample were determined according to expression mentioned below;

NFE%=100-(Crude Protein%+Crude Fat%+Crude Fiber%+Ash %)

Statistical Analysis The data was designed by employing ISD on proximate analysis and ANOVA was applied on sensory evalution to get the mean values of all sensory parameters by appling the outlined principles and methodology by Robert.14

Product Development: Cookies were prepared from the powder of turmeric and blackpepper.The preperation of cookies involved four treatments (T) T0 as control, T1,T2,T3 worked as a cookies with turmeric and black pepper with different measured concentration as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Treatment used for turmeric and black pepper cookies formulation
Treatment Description Quantity of sample (g)
T0 Control (cookies without any treatment) 0
T1 Turmeric + black pepper cookies 4g turmeric+ 40mg black pepper
T2 Turmeric + black pepper cookies 6g turmeric + 60mg black pepper
T3 Turmeric + black pepper cookies 8g turmeric + 80 mg black pepper

Preperation of powdered Turmeric and Black pepper: Both the turmeric and blackpepper were freshly grounded to make fine powder, Afterwards, used in the production of cookies accordingly.

Cookies Preperation: Cookies of variable treatments as mentioned in the (Table 1) were prepared by following the recipe stated in Table 2.

Table 2: Turmeric and black pepper cookies recipe
Ingredients Quantity
Whole wheat flour + Oats porridge powder ½ cup+ ½ cup
Turmeric and black pepper powder 48 g turmeric and 720mg of black pepper
Honey 1tbspoon
Butter 4tbspoon
Baking powder ½ tsp

The ingredients were weighed with accuracy and all the contents were mixed throughly untill uniform mass was obtained. The mass was kept for 30 minutes in polythene bag. The dough was seperated into four parts, cut the cookies with cutter and make 1 set of four cookies with out any turmeric and black pepper(control cookies) and then make sets of 3 cookies containing 4 cookies (each cookie weighed 25 grams). Preheat the oven on 200oC for 15mins. Bake cookies on 180 oC for 15 minutes and leave them in air for half an hour then stored accordingly.

Sensory Evalution: Sensory evalution of cookies(T0,T1,T2,T3) was performed by a trained panel for taste, 9 point hedonic scale was employed by a considering the guidelines provided by Meilgaard15 given in Appendix – I. Moreover, all the quality characteristics of cookies like taste, color, texture, aroma, and overall acceptability according to their sensory responses were recorded. The evalution process was conducted in booths separate for each panelist under clear white light in the Nutrition and Sensory Evaluation laboratory of The University of Faisalabad. The panelists were served the sample in plates accordingly with random codes on the day of evalution.The panelists were utterly explained about the nature and essence of the experiment. During the process of evaluation the panelists were also served mineral water to neutralize the after taste and to rinse for rationalized assessment.The panelists were requested and guided to give the product quality a rating by scoring for the parameters chosen for them.


The current research was conducted to evaluate the nutritional profile of curcumin and black pepper powder. For the research plan, the turmeric and black pepper powder sample was bought from the local market of the Faisalabad. The sanitary and hygienic standards were conserved to keep their quality safe. The samples were passed from chemical analytical methods. The study plan was splitted in different stages, such as, digestion mixture preparations for mineral and protein analysis, innovation of food product; turmeric and black pepper cookies for the evaluation of their sensory characteristics.

Proximate analysis The proximate analysis is a set of different procedures that are used to get athuentic knowledge regarding the nutritional profile of food product. They were developed around 1850 particularly for animal feed. These analyses use certain physical-chemical properties of a particular group of nutrients in their procedures.

The analysis performed in this research plan were dry matter by drying at 103o C; total ash was evaluated by incineration at 550oC, crude protein was analyzed by kjeldhal determination of nitrogen, crude fibre was determined as the organic fraction remaining after acid-alkaline hydrolysis and crude fat as the fraction extracted by using petroleum ether. Nitrogen free extract was also evaluated by using proximate analysis of carbohydrates fraction. (Table 3).

Table 3: Mean values for proximate analysis (%)
Parameters (%) Turmeric Black pepper
Moisture 9.02±0.03c 5.65±0.03b
Total Ash 2.65±0.02c 4.35±0.01b
Crude protein 9.27±0.03b 11.70±0.03a
Crude Fat 6.85±0.01b 12.70±0.04a
Crude Fiber 4.57±0.02a 2.51±0.02c
NFE 66.95±0.02a 62.84±0.02b

Sensory evaluation of turmeric and black pepper cookies: The conduct of sensory evaluation of turmeric and black pepper cookies, a main step of the research project were taken out at room temperature under bright white shaded light. The freshly made cookies were placed on clean white disposable plates, and covered with transparent sheets, and were marked accordingly. Napkins, utensils, and water for rinsing were given to the judges. The cookies were sereved to the judges in a sequence and were asked to mark them for all the provided parameters.Their evalution according to 9-point hidonic scale. The sensory attributes that were evaluated were; appearance, color, aroma, texture, moisture, taste, mouth feel, chewiness and overall acceptability.

The mean values displayed in the table clear the effects of treatments on sensory parameters of the cookies. The statistical results showed that variable treatments have highly significant effect on all sensory parameters of turmeric and black pepper cookies. In the treatments, T0, was displayed as control group with no amount of turmeric and black pepper added in the cookies. 4gm of turmeric with 40mg black pepper were added in T1. 6gm and 60mg of turmeric and black pepper respectively were added in T2 and 8gm of turmeric along with 80mg black pepper were added in T3.The results of the different treatments are described below in Table 4.

Table 4: Mean value table for different treatments
Characteristics T0 T1 T2 T3
Appearance 7.8±0.3a 6.8±0.7b 6.8±0.5b 4.3±0.3c
Color 7.5±1.0b 6.8±0.5c 4.0±.0.5d 8.0±0.3a
Aroma 7.00±.05b 6.5±0.9c 4.0±.00d 8.0±0.9a
Texture 5.5±.04c 6.3±0.2b 4.3±0.5d 8.0±0.9a
Moisture 5.6±1.0c 5.75±0.2b 5.0.±0.5d 8.0±0.4a
Taste 7.0±0.7b 6.0±1.0c 4.8±0.4d 8.0±0.5a
Mouth feel 7.0±0.4b 6.5±0.9c 3.8±00d 8.3±0.5a
Chewniess 5.0±1.3c 6.5±1.2b 3.8±00d 7.8±00a
Over all acceptance 6.5±0.3b 5.0±0.8c 4.0±0.3d 8.3±0.5a

T0 = Control group
T1 = Cookies with turmeric and black pepper (4g+40mg)
T2 = Cookies with turmeric and black pepper (6g+60mg)
T3 = Cookies with turmeric and black pepper (8g+80mg)

Appearance of turmeric and black pepper cookies: Mean values of the appearance showed highly significant results of turmeric and black pepper cookies among different treatments.The highest value was achieved by T0 group (7.8±0.3), while the lowest was achieved by T3 group (4.3±0.3). T1 and T2 showed comparable results (6.8±0.7; 6.8±0.5) respectively as shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Analysis of variance for the appearance of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 42.6875 14.2292 11.6 0.0007
Error 12 14.7500 1.2292
Total 15 57.475
**P is 0.0007 that is highly significant

Color of turmeric and black pepper cookies Among all 4-treatment groups as described in Table 6 T3 attain the highest scorer (8.0±0.3). T0 was the second achiever, (7.5±1.0) which was the control group. T1 was on the third level (6.8±05) and T2 was the lowest scorer among all the treatments (4.0±0.5).

Table 6: Analysis of variance for the color of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 37.6875 12.5625 6.35 0.0080
Error 12 23.7500 1.9792
Total 15 61.4375
**P0.0080 that is highly significant

Aroma of turmeric and black pepper cookies: The lowest scorer among all the treatments was T2 (4±0.0), T1 was on the third number in the mean table of aroma (6.5±0.9). Control group cookies were on second place (7±0.5). T3 was the highest achiever among all the treatments (8±0.9) as shown in Table 7.

Table 7: Analysis of variance for the aroma of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 29.5000 9.83333 7.61 0.0041
Error 12 15.5000 1.29167
Total 15 45.0000
**P0.0041 that is highly significant

Texture of turmeric and black pepper cookies: Among texture mean values, T3 was ranked higher (8±0.9) in comparison with other products. T1 and T0 were ranked second and third in the mean value table (6.3±0.2 and 5.5±0.4) respectively. T2 was not much liked by the judges and was scored the lowest among all treatments (4.3±0.5) as shown in Table 8.

Table 8: Analysis of variance for the texture of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 55.6875 18.5625 10.0 0.0041
Error 12 22.2500 1.8542
Total 15 77.9375
**P0.0041highly significant

Moisture of turmeric and black pepper cookies The mean value cell of moisture content among different treatments showed that T3 group has the higher moisture content in it (8±0.4). Meanwhile, T1 and T0 were on the second and third place on the table, (5.75±0.2 and 5.6±1.0) respectively. Yet, T2 was on the last place with the mean value (5±0.5) as shown in Table 9.

Table 9: Analysis of variance for the moisture of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 64.5000 21.5000 9.38 0.0018
Error 12 27.5000 2.2917
Total 15 92.0000
**P0.0018highly significant

Taste of turmeric and black pepper cookies On the mean value table of taste, T3 was marked as more tasty as compared to other treatments, (8±0.5), whereas, T2 was the lowest graded treatment, (5±0.5). T0 was on second place with mean (7±0.7) and T1 was on third place with mean values (6±1.0) as shown in Table 10.

Table 10: Analysis of variance for the taste of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 45.1875 15.0625 7.16 0.0052
Error 12 25.2500 2.1042
Total 15 70.4375
**P0.0052highly significant

Mouth feel of turmeric and black pepper cookies: The mean value table of mouth feel depicted that T2 has the lowest acceptability among other treatments (3.8±0.0). Control group was ranked 2nd by the panelists with mean (7.0±0.4), T1 was on 3rd position with mean (6.5±0.9). Among all the treatments, T3 was highly accepted by the judges, as the mean of it was (8.3±0.5) as shown in Table 11.

Table 11: Analysis of variance for the mouth feel of turmeric and black pepper cooki
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 45.1875 15.0625 10.8 0.0010
Error 12 16.7500 1.3958
Total 15 61.9375
**P0.0010highly significant

Chewiness of turmeric and black pepper cookies: On the mean table of chewiness, T3 treatment was on the 1st place with mean (7.8±00), T2 was lowest on the mean table, (3.8±00). T1 was on 2nd place among all treatments (6.5±1.2) and T0 was on third place with mean (5±1.3) as shown in Table 12.

Table 12: Analysis of variance for the chewiness of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 58.2500 19.4167 8.47 0.0027
Error 12 27.5000 2.2917
Total 15 85.7500
**P0.0027highly significant

Overall acceptability of turmeric and black pepper cookies: The mean value table depicted that T3 has the highest overall acceptance with the mean (8.0±0.5), on the 3rd place, T1 was present, with the mean (5.0±0.8). T0, which was the control group, occupied 2nd place in the mean value table with mean (6.5±0.3). T2 was ranked lowest among all with less acceptability from panelists, with mean (4.0±0.3) as shown in Table 13.

Table 13: Analysis of variance for the overall acceptability of turmeric and black pepper cookies
Source DF SS MS F P
Treatment 3 42.7500 14.2500 8.14 0.0032
Error 12 21.0000 1.7500
Total 15 63.7500
**P0.0032 highly significant

Hefnawy along with its coworkers in 2016, conducted a research with goal to investigate the anti-oxidant potential of carrots, turmeric and grape leaf powder which was extracted. The biscuits were made in order to evaluate the addition of natural anti-oxidants in them. Chemical along with physical characteristics were carried out during processing and storage.18

Another study conducted by Bheema along with his co-workers in 2008, explore the use of natural antioxidants from plant sources such as in turmeric and curcumin, in biscuit making, their physical and chemical characteristics while processing and storing were evaluated in order to understand the presence of natural anti-oxidants in biscuits19.

SH Park in 2012 with his co-workers made anti-oxidant rich cake by adding turmeric powder, in order to assess the good physico-chemical and sensorial properties20.

By taking these researches as base references, the present study was conducted in which turmeric and black pepper cookies with their different constituents were innovated for hypertensive and patients suffering from CVD’s and their sensory parameters were assess by trained panelists.


The cookies were developed with various concentrations of turmeric and black pepper powder depicted that T3 group cookies (8gm of turmeric and 80mg of black pepper powder) scored highest among all sensory parameters. It is recommended that consumption of two servings of these cookies can provide substantial amount of functional food; turmeric and black pepper powder. The comparative analysis of turmeric and black pepper powder depicted that their powder is richly packed in nutrients such as CHO, proteins, fat, fiber, moisture and ash content.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Rashid, M., Itrat, N., , S. (2019). Expidition of Nutraceutical Potential of Crucumin and Piperine to Formulate Functional Food Product. Asian J. Emerg. Res, 1(2), 82-90.

ACS Style
Rashid, M.; Itrat, N.; , S. Expidition of Nutraceutical Potential of Crucumin and Piperine to Formulate Functional Food Product. Asian J. Emerg. Res 2019, 1, 82-90.

AMA Style
Rashid M, Itrat N, S. Expidition of Nutraceutical Potential of Crucumin and Piperine to Formulate Functional Food Product. Asian Journal of Emerging Research. 2019; 1(2): 82-90.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Rashid, Memoona, Nizwa Itrat, and Shams-u-duha . 2019. "Expidition of Nutraceutical Potential of Crucumin and Piperine to Formulate Functional Food Product" Asian Journal of Emerging Research 1, no. 2: 82-90.